A Unique Gift
A Unique Gift designed to Encourage, Strengthen & to Help Anyone Working with Dis-ease Crystal Kit Link


The combination of Healing Affirmation's and the Information about the Crystal's, along with the healing energy of the Crystals many are not aware of. The crystals give a special reminder on a physical level of the miracles that happen.
Also providing the convenience of having all the crystals neatly package in a unique gift bag ready to go. All of it designed to make you feel special and supported, knowing your beauty, and getting the mind to shift into a different direction of healing.
It is our wish, that you have A whole new opportunity to approach a new way of healing. Starting with the mental process, using the physical. Holding the Crystal's to remind us of a different way of thinking.

Physical and Mental together - 'A Perfect Gift'

Attracting what you are thinking…
Miracles, Blessings, Trust, Healing, Beauty, Support, Respect and Love


Here is the Breast Cancer Healing Crystals Link

Amethyst Table

Amethyst has an interesting spectrum of Amethyst will help and assist with moving into a higher state of Consciousness. It can clear one's energy field of negative influences and can ward of negative energy from your environment.
Amethyst is the best for creating an environment for enhancement of spiritual Light and encourages you to step into your own spirituality.
A Table of Amethyst will create a Vortex of healing energy and protection this is something to experience and enjoy for anyone who comes within miles.  I have many more Crystal's on Etsy this is the link 

If your Interested in a table for your home or business please contact us we have these large Crystal's for sale they can range from 222 lbs to 700 lbs ranging from 5k to 14k this is gallery quality Crystal's from Brazil. A gift to the eye and soul.

The Book~ Simple Messages from the Angels & Ascended Masters

 ∼Crystal Lynne∼
 Angel Communicator
  N.L.P Practitioner 
 Spiritual Intuitive & Channel
  Teacher & Life Coach


 Published Author of
 "A Miracle in Your Hand"
 "Simple Messages from the
 Angels & Ascended Masters"
 International Entreprenuer 
Life Strategist &
Business Counselor
Crystal Healing Therapist
Angelic Transcendence Specialist 
NLP Practitioner