From Understanding the life (Life Contracts) your leading right now, to the moment your understanding takes on a whole new way, of what this Universe can bring you will be an amazing surprise.
True Expansion comes from "Living a Life you Love" and the Angels say "We will always bring you more".... "We" will be bringing forth information to deliver keys that have not been released yet. Keys that will shift everything into a joyful, peaceful and blessed life. A reunion of old souls coming together with the purpose of spiritual expansion, personal growth, Love and Laughter.
This will allow you to get into the Best Version of Yourself up and running the way you know it should, mixed with pleasure.
Your Spiritual Journey will include:
Your Human Experience
It has been my experience with the Angels to have a full human experience on the Spiritual and Human realms.
The Angels create the agenda, I am merely the messenger.
When bring our spiritual family together it is always More Blessings than You can count!
This Expanding Retreat Begins
July 21rst 3pm Ending July 24th at 2pm in Mt Shasta
If your called and your soul screams (I Want to Play with my spiritual family!) and your guidance says YES!!!
Your in for a beautiful experience. Some of the masters that will join us.
Greek God Hermes (New Keys Unlocked)
Lord Lanto (the Golden Ray)
to name a few.....
There is much more, you will see This Retreat will be delicious and rewarding.
Your Investment 444.00
More Fun, More Freedom to be You, More Spiritual Growth
New Beginnings with Understanding just what it means to be Connected
Explore Who You Really Are ~ Keys to Your Awakening
“Keys to Universal Wisdom”
What if the one area of your life you struggle with the most---whether it's your finances, your relationships, your health, or your career---can shift?
There are Keys that the Ascended St Gemain shared with Crystal Lynne: Quote “There is nothing you can’t have in this universe. Just understand the process. We are now in a 5th dimensional program and our 3D bodies are in the process of transformation. As we step into the new oneness consciousness, we can benefit from the tools that we have already gathered and grow with the 5 keys that create a deliberate process of progression.” If you are in business for yourself, starting a new spiritual path, or simply expanding you’re awareness, these 5 steps will bring simplicity to your personal intentions opening a gateway of magical experiences. Break down any barriers that might have been in the way of creating your “Dream Life.”
This workshop is an informative and fun way of understanding the process of how ascended masters work with us. There is nothing more beautiful than understanding 5 Keys that empower you!
Transform Your Life Now.....
6 Weeks 777.00
This is extensive internal work with Energy, Angels & Masters
Are you ready for your calling?